Kotor 2 graphics mod 2019
Kotor 2 graphics mod 2019

kotor 2 graphics mod 2019

I have tried my best to avoid altering the game too heavily story wise. This involves many saves and alot of time, detracting from actually playing the game. My work has been compiling, testing, and compatibility testing. Now, none of this is my work, the actual mods. So far this mod, which is actually a collection of mods with extensive playthrough testing, is easily 9 gigs. anything to draw into a more classic SW feel.

kotor 2 graphics mod 2019

Thus, I began long hours of compiling endless mods into one package for an ultimate mod, calling it Kotor Remastered.Įverything has been redone, HD textures, camera fov, weapon models. I wanted to be enthralled, I wanted fresh newness, a new facelift or plastic surgery to an old game. It all started when I bought Kotor from the Android playstore and was determined to replay the game reliving the experience. KOTOR II certainly shows signs of being rushed, but that doesn’t stop it from being a very strong product in its own right (and had a fascinating development history it’s a minor miracle Obsidian made something as good and complete as they did).Without too much gobbledygook, over the last few months I decided to take on a personal project. If you can appreciate those two things, I’d say they are must-play titles.

kotor 2 graphics mod 2019

The sequel goes the extra mile with expanded companion influence. Story agency and stat interaction isn’t just thrown on top they’re the core pillars of how the games are designed. You have tons of agency in the storylines, the game reacts strong to all decisions you make, and the stats you choose not only affect your play style but how you can complete quests and progress through the story. They are very few of these games playable on console. KOTOR I, and especially KOTOR II, are examples of what I’d consider “true” RPGs. Most “RPGs” on consoles are just action games with some trivial stats thrown in there.

kotor 2 graphics mod 2019

I just replayed both on mobile over the last month.

Kotor 2 graphics mod 2019